At Sutton Advice we are specialized in the need of owners of SME. We know what is important to you and what moves you.
Maybe you can relate to John. John once started a business out of pure idealism and was very good in what he was doing. Back then it was only him and the customer. He gave a very good service and grew rapidly.
At this certain point in Johns business life, he was no longer able to get the workload done alone. He needed to start employing other people. Unfortunately now John´s business was no longer about what he wanted to do. Instead he had loads of things to do, which he did not like. Hiring, payroll, keeping employees motivated, training those employees. The more employees he got, the worse his workload got. John was no longer happy with his business and everything seemed to go into the wrong direction.
Then John met us. We helped John to set his business up in a way, that he is no longer involved in the daily business. We helped John find the right people to take care of those tasks. All are better at their specific tasks then John. The even like what they are doing. We helped organize the business processes and a reporting system that allows John to see a red flag immediately. John is happy again. He grew his business about 318% in the last 18 month working with us. John is only focusing on the strategic side of the business now and has even more free time to spent with his wonderful family.
Are you John? Would you like to be John?
If you can relate, contact us today. We help you transition from being a business operator to being a business owner!
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We make it happen with you.